2.How to drink tea/抹茶の飲み方

抹茶の飲み方(2.How to drink tea)

2.How to drink tea

2.How to drink tea


Place the chawan between yourself and the next guest, outside the tatami bordering.
Bow and say "Osakini choudai itashimasu" (excuse me for taking tea before you).
Place the chawan in front of you inside the tatami bordering.
Bow and say "Otemae choudai itashimasu (thank you for the tea).
Pick up the chawan with your right hand.
Place the chawan on your left palm.
Raise the chawan, bowing slightly in an expression of thanks.
Rotate the chawan twice clockwise with your right hand to avoid the front.
Drink the tea.
Make noise at your last sip.
After finishing the tea, wipe the part of the rim that you drank from with your right thumb and indexfinger, left to right.
Wipe your fingers with kaishi.
Rotate the chawan twice counterclockwise so that the front faces you.
Place the chawan in front of your knees, inside the tatami bordering.
Place both hands on the tatami and have a close look of the whole shape of the chawan again.
Crouching with your elbows against your knees, pick up the chawan with both hands, but not very high. Examine it.
Move forward by pressing hands to the floor.
Take the chawan with your right hand and place it in front of you. Repeat the process.
Turn the chawan so that the front faces the host.
Return the chawan to where the host set it out.
※kaishi(懐紙):Japanese tissue,pocket of paper
※tatami(畳):thick straw mats that cover the floor

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