How to see tea utensils and tea scoops/茶器・茶杓の拝見の仕方

茶器・茶杓の拝見の仕方(How to see tea utensils and tea scoops)

How to see tea utensils and tea scoops

When the tea is finished and the host closes the lid of the mizusashi, the guest asks to see the tea set and tea scoop.
In response to this, the host takes out the tea utensils and tea scoops, and when he leaves the tea ceremony, the guest comes forward, fetches them, looks at them in the same order as the tea bowls, and passes them on to everyone.
The tea utensils and tea scoops are passed around in order, so look at them before passing them on to the next person.

Viewing tea utensils


When the tea set is handed over to the edge of the tatami by the previous guest, bow once to the next guest, take the tea set in front of your knees, put both hands on the tatami mat and look at the entire figure, then remove the lid.
Hold the lid with both hands, look at the front and back, place it down on the right side of the tea utensil, and then pick up the tea utensil and look at it.
Close the lid, place it in front of your lap, and look at it again before handing it to the next customer.
inside the edge.

Viewing the tea scoop


When looking at the chashaku, do not hold it beyond the knot of the chashaku.
In addition, we do not bow once to the next guest.
This is so that when two or more objects are passed around in succession, the next bow is done only when the first object is passed around.Hold the tea scoop in both hands and place it with your left hand on the edge of the tatami mat between the next guest.

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